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Multiwave Oscillator from George Lakhovsky


The Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) original design came from Nikola Tesla.


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The Secret of Lakhovsky Antennas

the Secret of Lakhovsky Antennas

In a world where the pursuit of alternative medicine and holistic approaches to health is becoming increasingly prominent, the name Georges Lakhovsky stands tall. His innovative development of Lakhovsky Antennas, and their integration into the Multiwave Oscillator has led to a profound understanding of energetic “Support” and quantum phenomena. In this comprehensive discourse, we will take a deep dive into the realm of Lakhovsky Antennas, their origins, technical workings, and connections to quantum physics and unexplained phenomena.

Georges Lakhovsky and His Discovery

The story of Georges Lakhovsky begins in early 20th century Russia, where he cultivated his passion for science and medicine. As a pioneer in the field of energetic treatment, Lakhovsky was determined to penetrate the mysteries of the human body and discover new methods for optimisation of the living environment.His research led to the development of the Lakhovsky Antennae, an innovative product that forms the basis of his revolutionary approach to optimisation of cellular structures.

Interestingly, Lakhovsky initially used copper antennas, but soon transitioned to a combination of various metals, including brass, copper, and stainless steel. He discovered that this combination had a more potent physical and psychological impact on the body. These antennas act as conduits of energy, emanating from the Multiwave Oscillator, and play an essential role in transferring this energy to the user's body.

Technical Operation of the Antennas

To comprehend the intricate operation of Lakhovsky Antennas, we must delve deeper into their technical aspects. The antennas comprise multiple rings of different metals arranged in a specific manner to achieve maximum energy efficacy. When the Multiwave Oscillator is in operation, a powerful energy field is generated. This field is captured by the antennas and subsequently transmitted to the user's body.

The rings of the antennas serve as resonators, efficiently capturing and amplifying the energy from the Multiwave Oscillator. This energy is then transferred to the user, eliciting a range of energetic effects. The unique combination of metals in the antennas ensures optimal effectiveness, maximizing the balancing properties of the Multiwave Oscillator.

The Phenomenon of the Burning Fluorescent Tube

Multiwave Oscillator from George Lakhovsky

One of the most intriguing aspects of Lakhovsky Antennas is the phenomenon of the burning fluorescent tube. When a fluorescent tube is placed between the operating antennas, it spontaneously ignites, despite the absence of a conventional power source. This phenomenon has puzzled scientists and researchers for years and has led to various theories regarding the operation of the antennas.

The secret behind this phenomenon lies in the extreme power of the energy field generated by the antennas. This field is so potent that it ionizes the gas within the fluorescent tube, causing it to glow. This reveals the incredible potential of Lakhovsky Antennas and their ability to not only influence the cells but also profoundly alter the surrounding environment.

Quantum Physics and Unexplained Phenomena

The connection between Lakhovsky Antennas and quantum physics is a fascinating area of research. In the realm of quantum physics, the boundaries of our understanding of reality are constantly challenged, and phenomena such as the operation of the antennas are no exception.

One of the concepts often associated with the antennas is the idea of scalar waves, a hypothetical type of wave that can propagate in multiple dimensions. While the exact nature of scalar waves remains not fully understood, some researchers believe they play a key role in the transfer of energy and information over vast distances.

Thus, Lakhovsky Antennas not only offer a captivating glimpse into the world of energetic “Support” but also raise new questions about the nature of reality and the role of energy in the universe.

MWO (multiwave oscillator) uses a wide bandwidth of radio frequency that increases dramatically the cell vibration through the process. of resonance. When cells are irradiated with a correct polarized electromagnetic field(which has a broad range of frequencies) ,each cell will pick up on a frequency and assimilate the energy out of that field and therefore it would be more resistant to vibrational attack from virus and bacteria. Science has since shown that each cell has an INTERNAL electric field, not just a potential across the cell membrane. This field is extraordinarily powerful: “Using newly developed voltage-sensitive nanoparticles, researchers have found that the previously unknown electric fields inside of cells are as strong, or stronger, as those produced in lightning bolts” University of Michigan researchers led by chemistry professor Raoul Kopelman presented his results at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in 2016.

The increase in cell voltage allows the. cell to resist the infection by using the body’s own ability to fight the infection (but not destroy the infectious agent). We carry many “dormant” infections like Herpes but as long as the body is strong, the infection cannot manifest. By adding the Rife treatment to the MWO, a synergetic effect results: MWO enhances body’s own ability to destroy the infecting agent while the Rife machine, through using specific frequencies for the offending pathogen destroys it.

Promotes healing by enhancing the oxygenation and nutritive value of the blood, increase various secretions, and accelerate the elimination of waste products in the blood

The MWO reverts the cells to a younger, more vibrant state.

Autoimmune disease.
By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in your body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins your body is trying to fight off. Autoimmune disease is a leading cause of disability and premature death.

Increase the supply of blood to the area with a warming effect and helps eliminate toxins

There are many who believe that the only real defense against cancer is the immune system. Lakhovsky viewed the progression of disease as essentially a battle between the resonant oscillations of host cells versus the oscillations emanating from pathogenic organisms/cancerous cells.

Have you become curious about what Rife Phanotron therapy can do for your plants? Or would you like to get in touch with us for another reason? We can be reached by phone on weekdays from 8.00 to 17.00 via +34 644 00 2849. You can also use the chat function on our website, or fill in the contact form. We aim to provide you with an appropriate answer as soon as possible.

The technique of high frequencies/voltages at low currents (in amperes) in living organisms such as plants is very old. The technique was invented around 1890 by Dr Nikola Tesla, a brilliant scientist, who also discovered alternating current. Thanks to him, we can use electricity in our homes, street lighting, etc.

Since then, many devices using this technology have come onto the market. The original device came from the French scientist George Lakhovsky, who worked in Paris around 1920.

Meditech Europe was able to use Georges Lakhovsky's knowledge and skills thanks to close cooperation with his son. By using Lakhovsky's technical data and the specifications known from the systems he used during his studies, especially in Paris, we were able to create the product we offer today.

We have changed a few things in the last few years:

  • We have built the Tesla coil into the MWO driver and no longer attached it to the Antenna. This has several reasons. The construction is not easy to make without increasing the weight too much and it is important to keep the product handy so that it can be operated by everyone.
  • We no longer work with a battery. The Multiwave Oscillator uses the “normal” power of the electricity network. This is because nowadays we can use extremely good and stable transformers that give very stable voltages. If a customer still wants a battery version, we can produce this at extra cost.
  • The MWO conversion has been modified. The effect of the housing is heat-resistant, non-reactive to high voltage, durable and light. This saves, for example, 3.5 kg in weight compared with previous versions.

We produce the Multiwave Oscillator in our workshop. There, a permanent group of electrotechnical specialists work on our products every day with a great deal of positive energy. We are therefore minimally dependent on others and have 100% influence on the quality ourselves. This enables us to produce all Multiwave Oscillators at a stable level.

We provide extensive training to our customers to ensure that the Multiwave Oscillator is used optimally. We have learned that when we do this, our clients are more satisfied, use the Multiwave more intensively and achieve more results. And that is what it is all about for us!

Small Proof:

Multiwave Oscillator 220/240 White Version

You receive:

2 Lakhovsky antennas Birch wood foot

2 Lakhovsky antennas Birch wood foot

The Rife Tube Violet.
Rife Tube Violet
Multiwave Oscillator 220/240 White Version.
Multiwave Oscillator 220/240 White Version

RifeBox 60


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