Materials: caleidoscopic effect, energy, intention, crystal resin, star child, gemstones, hologram, metals, tesla, golden leaf, crystals, coil, Christ consciousness.
Orgonite has become very popular as a spiritual healing tool, as protection against electromagnetic pollution (EMF), detoxifing water, helping plants to grow better, amplifing energy, protection for newborn babies, and amplifing vibration surounding them. These subtle tools interact and transform the energy around.
If you feel a place becoming stagnant in your intuition or in the signs that your body gives you, try placing an orgonite and give him intention to clear the space, and feel the diferences as they rapidely manifest themselves.
Orgonite is also a begginers tool for free energy, and Whilhelm Reich already had even engines working completely from free energy with no fossil fuel.
This amazing scientist already had developed many technology based on the free energy, or orgone as he called it. Those tolls still remain hidden and secret in current days.
Each of our Merkaba’s are in constant connection with Source, so your creative matrix allows you to combine soul intention with the spark of source energy to create any reality you choose. Like crystals, it is programmed through meditation and intentions, as long as its actively spinning, which is done through breathing exercises and by instructing intentions. Luckily only you control your Merkaba, no other human may do so, although healers can help with breathwork to support your work.
Active programming is very yang in energy, task specific, detailed and proactive; if there is negative energy emanating from another person you can program your merkaba to deflect it. If you desire a specific job or relationship, your merkaba can reach in the energy matrix and help conspire to create this reality. Reactive, female patterning is more reactive so try creating a statement like; “Merkaba I program you to flow with ease in this physical reality and to see that all my needs and desires are fulfilled for the highest good of all involved.” This is great as it has less judgment of specific situations and more acceptance of synchronicity.
So how do you do it? Easy!
1. Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, close your eyes and let your mind know you are ready to program your Merkaba.
2. Visualize the tetrahedrons surrounding your body; male pointing upwards beginning at your knees, extending several feet above your head and female pyramid extending down from your shoulders to below your feet. See your pyramids spinning.
3. Activate each pyramid so they each spin in a different directions, male spinning left to right around you, female right to left. Notice if you feel energized as they activate and energize as they spin.
4. Visualize a light field around your body, expanding bigger and bigger in a saucer like shape.Breathe in deeply and slowly, and out.
5. Now focus attention on what you desire, set your intentions, your Merkaba will work on your vision without any deviation.
6. Give thanks and say “And So It Is” when you are clear on your visualizations, visualize your aura glowing around you, imagine each of your chakras all in tune spinning in each color and believe your body and DNA cells are turned on to their fullest potential. Know you are energized and your energy is conspiring with the matrix to call forth all you desired.
7. Ground yourself back into your body, you may feel like you left your phhysical body. Be cautious you are balanced before driving, or moving about. Give thanks that your vision is being actualized, have faith and expect magic and miracles to materialize.
Mer-Ka-Ba literally means light (Mer) spirit (Ka) body (Ba) in Hebrew, denoting the harmonious activation of all. In shape it appears as a star tetrahedron; a three dimensional 8 pointed star made from two triangular pyramids, one points up, the other down. It’s very popular in Jewish mysticism and the Book of Ezekiel, or in stories of ascents to the heavenly palaces and the “Throne of God,” but also in many other relgions too. Use it wisely and for the greater good as if you believe in Karma you know why you want to keep it for positive work only.
This orgonite has a mixture bettwen a matrix of several gemstones combined with another matrix of several metals, sandbeach from paradise coast line in beautiful and sunny Portugal and a very special cropcircle: an arcturian hologram of Christ Conscioussness (
All this mix, brings up an intense energy around it connected with the crhist conscioussness portal or hologram, giving us the blessings of getting in touch with the higher version of ourselves, getting in tune with our inner intuition, tapping in the most of our wisdom and knowledge in our conscienseceness…..
There are many energy processes envolving this orgonite atelier. Some of protection, some of clearing and energizing the gemstones and the resin while its liquid and in the cactalizing process. Others processes of anchoring the cosmic forces to assist the transformation of humanity for the best version of themselves, for the event and new age, and assisting this beautiful planet Gaia in this ascension time that is paved ahead of us.
Gemstones: a mix between – Unakite, rhodonite, green jade, calcite, Botswana agate, labradorite, multicolored jasper, ruby, rose quartz, amethyst, carnelian, red jasper, tiger's eye, aquamarine, crystal quartz, fluorite, amazonite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, selenite, pyrite , multicolor tourmaline.
Metals: copper, brass, aluminum, cromium
Try meditating with the orgonite… feel it in the silence of yourself… let the feeling milk its way thru you… thru the portal of your heart chakra… feel its warmth assisting yours… assisting the oppening of your chakras and clearing your meridians of your body.
It will start comunicating with you, and the energy will translate into words in your mind, intuitions or even revelations and all sort of feelings. Its always a very strange and absoluttely beautifull the mental process that we have when something ring the bells of our intuition and we feel sincronicity for a while. The heart breaths better for a while. Air becomes lighter. We smile more. And sleep peacefully.
Great stories arrive to me from many people that embrace the orgonites and then came back to share their inntuitions and what happened in their life. I guess it would be really interesting if someone could get some stories together in film or book. They sure change our structured tought patterns into a field of expanded possibilities and multiple realities,
All this orgonites are made by me. A starseed. A wonderer. A star child. With all the care I bring inside me, between my simplicity and sofistication.
My first intention with this pieces is firstly to create a connection with the christic energy grid, oppening the portal directly from inside each ones heart.
Secondly, that they can bring the right frequencies for each persons that enterns in contact with them. And so the smother transition can be made on every brother end sister on our inside according with this vibrational and magnetical inteligence.
There is a great amount of handmade work around it. A lot of sanding and polishing for it to become smoth and shiny.
Dimensions: 1.5” diameter by .5” thick Weight: 1oz
• Turns negative energy into positive energy.
• Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water, ends drought.
• Helps plants grow better, repel pests & require less water.
• Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation.
• Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.
• Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
• Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
• Helps awaken your innate psychic senses.
• Amplifies your energy, and creates a protection shield to low vibrations.
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