Quantic Retreats

Bio Well Camera 3.0 – Full Chakra Analyser


What is the Bio Well camera? Bio Well is the first device for scientific measurement of the energetic field of people, objects, places, etc. that allows to measure, analyze, visualize and correct the energetic fields.


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What is Bio Well Camera?

Bio Well Camera is the first device for scientific measurement of the energy field of people, objects, places, etc. that allows to measure, analyze, visualize and correct the energy fields. Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and brings the powerful technology known as gas discharge visualization technique. Dr. Korotkov is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University. He is an internationally renowned scientist for his pioneering research in the field of human energy. Professor Korotkov developed the GDV technique based on the Kirlian effect in 1995.

Bio-Well is a revolutionary, non-invasive system for measuring the human energy field through a specialized camera and software system. Each analysis returns a wealth of meaningful information to give you a truly holistic view of your well-being.
The latest generation of the Bio-Well GDV camera, version 3.0, provides improved functionality and faster operation for the best user experience. The improved technology of v3.0 allows a very stable enhanced stability with all operating systems due to the absolutely new hardware level software. The fan will be regulated from the software. You will be able to turn it on/off in the Bio-Well software.

Images are pre-filtered inside the device, so they are transferred to the computer 3 times faster. Saves processing time and disk space. In fact, BW 3.0 will be able to capture images with a speed of 3 fps (almost a video).

The image is being processed by the additional processor built into the PCB, so the images will be clear, without distortions (which were seen with BW 1.0 and 2.0).

New Bio-Well 3.0 camera with enhanced performance and new functionalities

GDV SPUTNIK for Bio-Well device | Bio-Well SPUTNIK

Package contents :

Bio-Well camera
Calibration unit and cable, USB cables
2 finger thimbles (standard and large finger inserts)
First steps zoom session: 1:30 together with a specialist for set-up and first analysis worth 151€.
Customer service and support all year round

The Bio-Well 3.0 camera makes energy assessments quick and easy. With faster processing, greater stability and more visual detail, Bio-Well 3.0 is the culmination of years of research, making it the most sensitive and accurate GDV camera to date.

What does the GDV Bio-Well method measure in biophysical terms?
We measure the stimulated optoelectronic emission of a biological object. During the measurement process, a very weak electrical impulse current – a few micro-amperes – is sent to the object being measured. This current is totally harmless to the human body, but what kind of current is it, in biophysical terms?
An electric current depends largely on the transport of electrons or ions. When pulses lasting more than a few milliseconds are transmitted to the skin, tissue depolarization occurs, and ions are transported. This is why a number of electro-physical methods, such as electroencephalography or electro-acupuncture, experience tissue polarization due to overlapping electrodes. This poses a major problem, which is only solved by using special pastes or gels. The GDV Bio-well method uses short pulses, so depolarization does not occur and ionic currents are not stimulated.

What does the GDV method measure in physiological terms?
The functioning of all organs and systems is regulated by the central nervous system (CNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). We could compare the functioning of the body to the playing of a symphony orchestra. The slightest movements of dozens of musicians are in perfect harmony; they follow the same score and respond sensitively to the conductor’s slightest direction.
You could distinguish the viola or oboe, but they would seem to be part of a beautiful melody. It’s much the same in the body: every organ and every system plays its part, but all follow the same rhythm. Sometimes, however, one of the violins loses its rhythm, going out of time. This will go unnoticed by the untrained ear, and only an experienced listener will notice the false note.

The melody continues, but the more instruments deviate from the score, the louder and more perceptible the dissonance, until even the most uninitiated listener begins to wince. This analogy can be applied to the functioning of the body. As long as all systems and organs are working in harmony, in unison, following the same program, the body is at its optimum level of functioning. Control and direction are provided by two fundamental mechanisms:

– Autonomic control by the nervous system (ANS)

– Electron control by active forms of oxygen in the blood.

We could say that this control is the basic level, enabling the body to detect all external impacts and react to them instantaneously, supporting the homeostasis and relative constancy of the internal environment. If a person runs and makes a few sudden movements, the ANS accelerates the frequency of heart contractions, breathing too, and this increases perspiration. More oxygen enters the bloodstream, this oxygen is more actively transmitted to the tissues, and certain by-products leave through the skin. This reaction takes place almost instantaneously, and the whole body, all its systems and organs, are involved. This is proof that all organs and systems work in sync, under the control of a single command system. Just like a well-tuned orchestra.
When autonomic regulation fails and synchronicity is lost, organs and systems cease to function in harmony, and the first functional abnormalities appear. In the early stages, these anomalies alter the state of health, disrupting sleep and digestion, and so on. Continued dysfunction leads to organ abnormalities, although the area of abnormality depends on the type of load and genetic predisposition. Reacting to commands from the CNS and the environment, the ANS and blood send information control signals to the body’s systems and organs. These signals are “processed” both at the physiological level of the systems, engaging the endocrine and immune systems. The information is then transferred to the control organs, as in a closed, looped control circuit. When an anomaly occurs in one of the information vectors, the circuit fails and desynchronization occurs, reflected by functional abnormalities at the most vital levels. Consequently, the autonomic nervous system enters the first control circuit, and any potential problems appear mainly at the level of ANS activity.

Bio Well Camera 3.0 – Full Chakra Analyser

The Bio-Well camera:
Bio-Well offers several advantages for practitioners who use it in the care and wellness field.
Here are some of the most notable benefits:
Measuring energy levels: Bio-Well uses GDV visualization technology to measure energy levels in the human body. This can help health practitioners understand how the body reacts to different stimuli, such as stress, emotions or therapeutic actions.
Help understand and manage stress and the psycho-emotional dimension: By measuring energy levels, Bio-Well can help understand stress in the body. Health practitioners can use this information to help patients reduce stress and improve their overall health.
Provide visual information: Bio-Well technology provides visual information on energy levels, which can help health practitioners highlight their patients’ issues in a clearer, more visual way.
Measuring the impact of a therapeutic action. Through the various programs, it’s possible to track over time, compare measurements and understand the impact of all actions carried out in practitioner/client-patient interaction. Practitioners can thus better guide their decisions and make the most significant changes.
Personalized care: Bio-Well makes it possible to tailor care to individual patient needs. By measuring energy levels, health practitioners can tailor their therapeutic actions to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Ease of use: Bio Well Chakra Meter technology is easy to use and requires no specialist computer knowledge. Healthcare practitioners can quickly and easily use this technology to help improve their patients’ health.
Improved quality of life: Using the information provided by Bio-Well, healthcare practitioners can help patients improve their quality of life by reducing stress, improving general health and enhancing emotional and mental well-being.
But also: measure the energy of a place with Sputnik, measure water with the sensor or rebalance the subject with Bio-Cor.

Bio Well Camera 3.0 – Full Chakra Analyser

The GDV Sputnik (Buy Bio-Well Sputnik here) sensor is connected to the titanium cylinder inserted onto the Bio-Well lens, creating connected resonance contours. Bias current in the electrical chain of this contour depends on the capacitance of space between  Bio-Well Sputnik antenna and environmental-grounded and electroconductive subjects. Both geophysical parameters of the particular environment and man-made electromagnetic fields and constructions would influence this capacitance.

Emotions are related to the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which changes blood microcirculation, perspiration, blood microcirculation, perspiration, sweating, and other functions of the body, resulting in the changes in the overall conductivity of the body and the conductivity of acupuncture points in particular.

Therefore, the presence in the vicinity of the instrument of the emotional people may change the conductivity of space and, hence, the signals of the sensor. This may be related to the formation of areas of decreased entropy in space, or, as Prof. Tiller claims, “associated with the buildup of a negative magnetic charge manifesting in the environment” Some quantum effects may be involved as well.

Bio-Well Sputnik is a sensor and attachment system that affixes to the Bio-Well Camera device, allowing for the energy of an environment to be read. For example, test the energy of a room before, during, and after you meditate to see how energy levels change.


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